26-27 NOVEMBER 2025

Institute of Registered Case Managers Roadshow

Introducing the IRCM Roadshow

Join us for an exciting series of CPD sessions aimed at current and aspiring case managers, as we explore different aspects of case management practice, the challenges case managers face today, and how they can equip themselves to thrive in this evolving practice area.

Case management is an exciting and growing sector defined by the IRCM as:

a collaborative process which assesses, plans, implements, coordinates, monitors, and evaluates the options and services required to meet an individual’s health, wellbeing, social care, education and/or occupational needs, using communication and available resources to promote quality, cost-effective and safe outcomes”.

This unique event will take place in the Occupational Therapy Show on the 28 November as a great networking platform that promotes improved practice and comprehensive learning within the case management community.


Who are the Institute of Registered Case Managers?

  • IRCM is the Institute of Registered Case Managers, an organisation whose role is to safeguard the users of case management services. They achieve this by setting standards for case managers’ practice.
  • Publication of a public registry of people who meet their requirements and agree to practise in accordance with their standards.
  • Providing a process in which concerns can be reported, and investigated.

Is the IRCM Roadshow for me?

The IRCM welcome all healthcare professionals including but not limited to:

  • Case managers
  • Care co-coordinators 
  • Neuro/care navigators
  • Key workers
  • Case workers
  • Commissioners
  • Clinical leads
  • Discharge planners
  • Social workers
  • Nurse assessors
  • Care managers
  • Vocational rehabilitation consultants
  • Employability coaches
  • Disability employment advisors 
  • Welfare to work advisors 
  • Occupational health nurses/advisors
  • Social workers
  • Community matrons

What to expect at the IRCM Roadshow?

We will be looking at the IRCM role, why it is important and what it means for the public and case managers. The Case Management Standards of Proficiency will be explored, including considering how they interact with other professional standards.

CPD plays an important role and we will consider how this and supervision can enhance quality and safety for practitioners and service users.  We’ll also look at the importance of self-care and putting your own oxygen mask on before helping others, 

As well as CPD there will be networking opportunities with a chance to build new connections and to get to know the IRCM team.

More details coming soon!

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