Helen Lloyd
Occupational Therapist,
Locum with Pulse
Helen graduated with an MSc in Occupational Therapy from the University of Cumbria in 2013. Her first post was as a Band 5 Occupational Therapist (OT) at Royal Preston Hospital where she undertook multiple rotations over a wide range of clinical areas. In 2016 Helen took a career break to travel the world. From 2017-2019 Helen worked as a Band 6 OT for a Community Neurological Rehabilitation Team in Lancashire. In 2019 Helen then undertook Locum Band 6 OT work with the Acute Medical team at Chorley Hospital. From 2020-2022 Helen worked as a Senior OT with Sue Ryder, having the incredible opportunity to assist in the development of a new Neurorehabilitation centre and service in Preston. In 2022 Helen gained experience in lecturing at The University of Liverpool and worked as Lead OT on a locum basis at a specialist eating disorder unit. From 2023-2024 Helen worked as an OT for an independent rehabilitation company specialising in neuro practice for adults and paediatrics, also assisting with their sensory service. At present Helen is working on a locum basis as an OT with the Urgent Community Response team for LSCFT NHS Trust. Helen is passionate about learning, developing and promoting OT.