Comprising of NHS departments and independent charities, Driving Mobility accredits over 20 driving and mobility assessment centres across the UK.
If one of your clients is new to adapted driving or their licence needs evaluating, organisations such as the DVLA, Motabilty, NHS and Police will signpost them to a Driving Mobility Centre for a ‘fitness to drive’ assessment. This is not a driving test; it is a clinically-led review of their skills so the most appropriate vehicles, adaptations, tuition or alternative transport choices can be recommended.
If use of a car as a driver or passenger is not possible, Driving Mobility also supports with suitable mobility equipment and accessible transport guidance. Add to this a plethora of other projects and initiatives worldwide, Driving Mobility is regarded as the voice of assisted driving and independence.
The Old Carriage Works Moresk RoadMoresk Road
United Kingdom