Celebrating Occupational Therapy: Making an exhibition of ourselves

This session is a great opportunity to join in with the early stages of planning and development of an exhibition which will celebrate the unique profession of occupational therapy and the importance of occupations in people’s lives. The Elizabeth Casson Trust has taken the bold step to support a new way to promote the profession in collaboration with Jemma Channing (Occupational Therapist and Senior Manager, Creative Health and Change, Arts Council England) and Sophie Knight (Senior Lecturer in Occupational Therapy, University of Worcester). The physical exhibition will be a chance for current occupational therapists and occupational therapy students to reflect on the origins of the profession as well as consider where it is heading in the future. An opportunity to reflect on, reinforce and perhaps reignite people’s passion for the profession through artifacts, images and ‘hands on’ activities. The exhibition will also be an opportunity to engage members of the public and potential future therapists in understanding this amazing profession. The ambitious aim for an exhibition legacy is to create a new digital resource to promote the profession to occupational therapists of the future. The project is in its very early stages so why not come along, join Jemma and Sophie to hear about their plans so far and take part in some activities to share and influence this evolving project.