27-28 NOVEMBER 2024


CoMoveIT Smart: a new high-tech powered wheelchair steering system for people with complex movement disorders.

22 Nov 2023
Innovation Theatre
CoMoveIT Smart: a new high-tech powered wheelchair steering system for people with complex movement disorders.

This presentation elaborates CoMoveIT Smart, a high-tech head and/or foot steering system that unlocks people with complex movement disorders and enables end-users to control an electric-powered wheelchair. The system brings the highest possible independency in personal mobility when the user has insufficient control to steer a powered wheelchair with joystick or other conventional navigation systems. The CoMoveIT Smart is result of several years of research and evidence-based development, combining rehabilitation sciences, mechatronics and IT sciences.


Key Publications:

  • Monbaliu, E., Himmelmann, K., Lin, J-P., Ortibus, E., Bonouvrie, L., Feys, H., Vermeulen, R.J., Dan, B. (2017). Clinical presentation and management of cerebral palsy. THE LANCET NEUROLOGY, 16 (9), 741-749. Doi 10.1016/S1474-4422(17)30252-1
  • Gakopoulos, S., De Reyck, L, Vervenne, F,  Monbaliu, E. (2022). CoMoveIT Smart: A New High-Tech Powered Wheelchair Steering System for People with Complex Movement Disorders. Presented at the 34th Annual Meeting European Academy of Childhood Disability, Barcelona, Spain, 18 May 2022-21 May 2022. Open Access (EACD Technology & Innovation Award Winner 1st Place)
  • Naaris, M., Bekteshi, S., Aufheimer, M., Gerling, K., Hallez, H., Ortibus, E., Konings, M., Monbaliu, E. Effectiveness of wheeled mobility skill interventions in children and young people with cerebral palsy: A systematic review. DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE AND CHILD NEUROLOGY. doi: 10.1111/dmcn.15597
  • Bekteshi, S., Monbaliu, E., McIntyre, S., Saloojee, G., Hilberink R, S., Tatishvili, N., Bernard, D. (2023). Towards functional improvement of motor disorders associated with cerebral palsy. THE LANCET NEUROLOGY, 1-15. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(23)00004-2
  • To increase insights in complex movement disorders as cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, ALS placed within ICF framework
  • To relate complex movement disorders with powered wheelchair performance
  • To implement understanding in the choice making of alternative steering systems for powered wheelchair mobility
  • To identify possible CoMoveIT Smart end-users
Elegast Monbaliu, Chief Clinical Officer CoMoveIT - CoMoveIT NV

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